Welcome to Create AniMissions
At Create AniMissions, we create art and media resources to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ where it has not gone before—to places that have no indigenous audio/visual “witness” in their own language and culture.
The Create International Vision
The vision of Create International is to communicate the message of Jesus Christ in ways that people can understand from their cultural and linguistic background, using tools that can be widely circulated and used by church planting teams, local churches, believers, missionaries, and various organizations.
Create AniMissions Training Programs
Our training programs equip artists, missionaries and teams to use digital art and animation creation tools to create media that communicates the gospel cross-culturally. We currently offer three training programs:
The AniMissions Seminar is an eight-week online course focused on training individuals and teams to produce animated short film projects using Blender software. Some of the topics covered in the seminar are Contextualization, Culture-Specific Media Strategy, Story Development, Storyboarding, Design, Blender/Grease Pencil, Modeling, Rigging, Texturing, Rendering, Animation and Sound Design.
Upcoming Seminar Dates:
September 16 to November 8, 2024
Upcoming Seminar Dates:
September 16 to November 8, 2024
The deadline for submission of the application for the next AniMissions Seminar is September 9, 2024.
The AniMissions EMDC Training Track is a live, eight-hour, online introductory workshop that covers the basics of 2D animation (and some 3D as well). The emphasis will be on how to use Blender to create short, animated videos that share the good news cross-culturally. The training track is in four two-hour sessions, and is part of the EMDC Online Classroom.
Upcoming AniMissions EMDC Dates:
March 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024
Upcoming AniMissions EMDC Dates:
March 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024
To attend the AniMissions EMDC Training Track, click the button at right to register with EMDC.
The Frontier Comics Seminar (FCS) is a six-week seminar in Takatsuki, Japan, that will help you hone your cartooning and comics skills while using them to reach the least, the last and the lost with the hope of the Gospel. During the production phase of the seminar, the classroom will become a hands-on comics studio in which students will work on a comic book project for a specific unreached people group.
Upcoming FCS Dates:
2024 (to be announced)
Upcoming FCS Dates:
2024 (to be announced)
For more information on the Frontier Comics Seminar, click the button at right to open the official FCS page.
Create AniMissions Projects
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